“Shelby was here!”

“Shelby was here!”

I moved away from CP just before starting Grade 9, and Shelby was the first to know. After she found out, the rest of the summer was filled with spending as much time together as humanly possible. This included one of the best camping trips I have ever been on, which I will probably post about later (too much happened to share it in this same post!) When I moved, Shelby gave me a card, addressed to Jason (it’s an inside joke, I honestly don’t even remember how it started!) Inside the card she told me not to forget about her, and attached this sticky note (the one in the picture) saying “Shelby was here!”  She told me to keep it in my locker at my new school so that it would be like she was always with me. This sticky note has stayed up above the light switch in my bedroom since the day I moved into my new house, although it has to be taped up now. She was always with me, even though we lived in different places, and I get to be reminded of that every day.

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